Consult AS

Refund & Cancellation Policy

The Company has a no refund policy. This applies to all subscriptions and consulting services, which have been delivered or part delivered by the firm. Please do not use the Application at any time if you do not agree with our refund policy. Use of or access to the Application in any way confirms your acceptance of our refund policy.
We believe that Customer satisfaction is the biggest driver in the success of any venture. Thus the company admires no cancellation poilcy. our focus is to provide you with best in class products and services and get maximum advantage of your referrals. Such referrals will only come when you will be happy with your purchases. Our Refund policy stands as: NO FEE/SUBSCRIBTION REFUNDS are permitted after any Product or services purchased. The virtual products/services purchased from the site will deem to be used immediately after purchase. By registering on to the site you are agreeing to all the company terms and conditions.

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